

都柏林2020年12月23日 /美通社/ — 總部位於愛爾蘭的 Health Passport Europe 剛與 Big Concerts 和 The Entertainment Group 合作,採用快速 COVID-19 測試的最新發展和安全的 Health Passport Europe 流動技術。

The Health Passport Europe digital platform was deployed at this year’s RECHARGE 2020 event in Cape Town, South Africa, using latest COVID-19 testing and mobile technology as part of the safe re-opening of the live events sector.
The Health Passport Europe digital platform was deployed at this year’s RECHARGE 2020 event in Cape Town, South Africa, using latest COVID-19 testing and mobile technology as part of the safe re-opening of the live events sector.

現場表演 RECHARGE 2020 已於 12 月 21 日在南非開普敦的 Grand Café & Beach 場地舉行,設有多個現場表演和 DJ。該活動安全進行,是邁向 2021 年重新開放現場活動的重要里程碑。

平台可有效支持 COVID-19 疫苗的接種和測試,將在意大利和葡萄牙的活動中部署,而相關系統可用於旅遊業的安全重新開放。

Health Passport Europe 的運作方式 

在 2020 年 RECHARGE 活動進行前,所有參與者(包括員工)都必須下載免費的 Health Passport Europe 流動應用程式並進行設定。在活動當天,每個人都須在入場前透過已在南非通過驗證的最新快速抗原測試來完成 COVID-19 測試。


在進行測試後 20 分鐘內,結果將以私密安全的方式在個別人士的 Health Passport Europe 應用程式中更新。進場時,安全人員能夠快速掃描人員的門票及其 Health Passport Europe 應用程式,而且只有 COVID-19 測試結果呈陰性的人才可以進入場館,以確保所有人的傳播風險減至最低。活動現場中的所有人也須遵循 COVID-19 健康指南。

參加預測試的人若出現 COVID-19 症狀沒有接受測試,但獲得建議應遵循國家衛生指南。

Big Concerts 行政總裁 Justin Van Wyk 表示:「這對於受到疫情打擊的大型活動行業來說是非常重要的時刻。使用 Health Passport Europe 平台可以使大型活動在盡量減低風險的情況下進行,更可示範未來全球如何進行現場活動。此系統讓我們能夠提供活動前和活動後測試,在最大程度上保證大家安全,從而保護參加者、表演者和與活動相關的所有人。」

Health Passport Europe 創始人 Robert Quirke 說:「我們的團隊很興奮可默默為開普敦開展這個項目,為安全重新開放國際娛樂和旅遊業作出重大貢獻。這項安全技術旨在順利推行所有官方 COVID-19 測試和疫苗接種。目前已經有成千上萬的人使用這個流動系統,積極幫助行業重回軌道。」

Health Passport Europe 平台已獲許多提供 COVID-19 測試服務的領先醫療和藥學組織採用。該技術已通過所有試驗和開發,並已在醫療、物流、酒店、教育和老人院等多個行業進行廣泛測試,也在都柏林機場進行試驗。

該流程經過精心設計,可在 10 小時內安全測試 100,000 多人,並將結果、旅遊證件或疫苗接種文件實時上載到相關個人的應用程式中。

Health Passport Europe 系統經過精心設計,可以成為儲存和顯示官方 COVID-19 疫苗接種或測試狀態的安全系統。它是所有行業和公眾通用的國際平台。

圖片 – https://mma.prnasia.com/media2/1390968/health_passport_europe_1.jpg?p=medium600
圖片 – https://mma.prnasia.com/media2/1390969/health_passport_europe_2.jpg?p=medium600
圖片 – https://mma.prnasia.com/media2/1390970/health_passport_europe_3.jpg?p=medium600
圖片 – https://mma.prnasia.com/media2/1390971/health_passport_europe_4.jpg?p=medium600

The Health Passport Europe digital platform was deployed at this year’s RECHARGE 2020 event in Cape Town, South Africa, using latest COVID-19 testing and mobile technology as part of the safe re-opening of the live events sector.
The Health Passport Europe digital platform was deployed at this year’s RECHARGE 2020 event in Cape Town, South Africa, using latest COVID-19 testing and mobile technology as part of the safe re-opening of the live events sector.


The Health Passport Europe digital platform was deployed at this year’s RECHARGE 2020 event in Cape Town, South Africa, using latest COVID-19 testing and mobile technology as part of the safe re-opening of the live events sector.
The Health Passport Europe digital platform was deployed at this year’s RECHARGE 2020 event in Cape Town, South Africa, using latest COVID-19 testing and mobile technology as part of the safe re-opening of the live events sector.


The Health Passport Europe digital
platform was deployed at this year’s RECHARGE 2020 event in Cape Town, South Africa, using latest COVID-19 testing and mobile technology as part of the safe re-opening of the live events sector.
The Health Passport Europe digital platform was deployed at this year’s RECHARGE 2020 event in Cape Town, South Africa, using latest COVID-19 testing and mobile technology as part of the safe re-opening of the live events sector.


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